Dead Soldier
European Pilz
Orlando Brewing
1301 Atlanta Avenue
Orlando, FL USA
Est. 2002
Brain Damage Quotient = 6.15 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Golden yellow color.
Fresh smelling Centennial and Saaz hops aromas. Malt grain notes.
White, two finger head with ringed lacing. Good retention.
Gentle but pronounced hops taste with balanced grain malt flavor. Dry finish.
Active carbonation that tingles the tongue.
Light bodied flavor.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Orlando Brewing takes great pride in all their beers. It shows in their freshness and attention to details. It's no secret they use organic ingredients in all their beers and ales. It certainly makes them stand apart from the pack.
European Pilz was one such beer that was sampled at the brewery this past fall. As a member of a group of beer bloggers, we were invited to come and learn more about the brewery. At first, I was tempted to pass over a pilsener lager in favor of some of their ales. But once the Pilz appeared during our sampling round, I was taken aback. Peering over my glasses, and then through them for a closer look, I noticed the clarity of the color. The aromas spoke more of the Centennial and Saaz notes than the malts, and they reeled me in for another sniff. The taste was clean, dry and hopped in a unique delicious way beyond any past comparison.
I discovered what fresh organic ingredients can do for a beer. This beer satisfied all my senses, turning upside down my thoughts about American pilseners. It's really done in a style all its own. So at the end of the tour, I made sure to secure a purchase of some in their tasting room.
Change you notion of pilseners and try one for yourself.
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