Dead Soldier
Pin Stripe Red Ale
Ska Brewing Co.
225 Girard Street
Durango, CO USA
Est. 1995
Brain Damage Quotient = 5.15 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Amber color.
Malt aromas with a nice hops smell.
Nicely foaming two finger off-white head with decent lacing on glass.
Nice malt taste up front with tasty finishing hops flavor.
Fairly active amount of carbonation.
Light to medium bodied mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
I have to admit it, there were only two reasons the mixed 12 pack of Ska came back with me from the 2010 Beer Bloggers Conference...
For one, I was looking for variety. The store I went to did not allow the breaking up of six-packs to choose singles. The mixed 12 pack allowed me several different beers in a box by a single brewer. Since I had never tried Ska's beers before, that appealed to me. (Note to all you beer marketing guru's out there that these introduction boxes are worth continuing.)
Reason number two, really requires no explanation other than IT HAS A SKULL ON THE LOGO! Have you been paying attention? I love when I find a beer with grim markings. like this ale. The skulls seem to be a fairly common element on their labeling. Not certain what the bowling pins (and accompanying collision animation), and the chapeau have to do with it, but I like it! I guess it's what the"frame" of mind these slick hipsters from Ska are up to, when enjoying this refreshingly great Red Ale.
I certainly do get the idea of clenching a few hops buds in his teeth. The hops flavor is nicely done in this ale. And it's also sweet that the image runs in relief, as a watermark, on the white parts of the rest of the label.
Seems like Ska and I have a lot in common - - - skulls, bowling, lids (c'mon...#23...the headgear definition), beer and an off centered appreciation for all four! Grab your hat and some PinStripe and I'll meet you at the lanes.
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