Dead Soldier
Our Special Ale 2010 (Christmas Ale)
Anchor Brewing Company
1705 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, CA USA
Est. 1896
Brain Damage Quotient = 5.5 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Dark brown color.
Roasted malt with toasted nut aromas.
Tan, fluffy two finger head with lacing that coats the glass.
Strong burnt spice flavor. Very dry finish.
Medium bodied flavor. Moderate carbonation.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
This is the annual Christmas ale by Anchor. I found myself looking through my tasting notes from last year to see what differences might appear. I remembered enjoying the 2009 version. It was pretty good, actually the best of the Christmas ales as I recalled.
Either my taste buds have changed over the year or something else is awry. I found this to be just a bit too drying and the spiced flavors seemed a bit burnt. I am sure it was me, but it seems odd that it varied that much between tasting notes in the past twelve months. Anchor, I am sure, tweaks this formula from year to year. It was just not up to my liking this season. The 2011 version will be interesting to try, so we shall see you again to discuss this brew, next year.