Dead Soldier
Magic Hat - Wacko
Magic Hat Brewing Company
5 Bartlett Bay Road
Burlington, VT USA
Est. 1994
Brain Damage Quotient = 4.5 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Hazed golden color with distinct pink/red hue.
One finger off-white head that leaves slight lacing.
Sweet, malty and musky in smell.
Fruity, sweet and fizzy taste.
Lots of carbonation.
A light bodied bubbly beer.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Label says, "A beer with beet juice color." Hmmm. Either it's going to repulse you or peak your curiosity. If it truly is red, let's see it. I was pulled in by the thought.
It isn't exactly the color of beet juice if you were thinking along the same lines as me, but the color is more like watered down beet juice. It seems normal enough pouring it out of the bottle. Then a slightly pink hue shines through the translucent body.
Summer like and sessionable due to low ABV are its hallmarks. After that, the rest is up to your own opinion. I have two more left from the mix twelve pack. Wonder how long they'll last in the fridge?
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