Dead Soldier
Acme IPA
North Coast Brewing Company
455 North Main Street
Fort Bragg, CA USA
Est. 1988
Brain Damage Quotient = 6.5 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Hazed orange yellow color.
Two finger off-white head that leaves good lacing.
Sweet, malty and musky in smell.
Fruity, sweet and fizzy taste.
Light amount of carbonation.
A light bodied brew with dry hops taste.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Not 'killer' in hops, but a very decent and easy to drink IPA. I enjoyed it quite a lot. There was a yeasty swirl with the last splash from the bottle to the glass. It ran down the center of the suds like a swirling tornado's vortex. I like a show with my purchase. That was worth the price of admission!
This hit the spot for my IPA fix of the day, but came just short of being a hops monster that I was looking for. Oh, but I would get this again and again.
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