Dead Assassin
Saboteur Brett Barrel Brown Ale
Odell Brewing Company
800 East Lincoln Avenue
Fort Collins, CO USA
Est. 1989
Brain Damage Quotient = 10.0 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 25.4
Postmortem Brew Review
Deep brown cola color.
Sweet pineapple and vanilla aroma with slight earthy funk on the nose.
Moderate one to two finger creamy head with minimal lacing.
The taste sours out, but in a good way.
Medium mouth feel. Complex, earthy sour flavors.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
I scored two of these beauties on a trip to Colorado as part of a near $200 extravaganza of beer shopping.
As a fairly new addition to the Odell lineup, Saboteur lives up to it's name by tantalizingly drawing you near with sumptuously sweet pineapple and vanilla flavors. Then it perpetrates its diabolical plan by turning sour to the taste as you finish the sip. In the world of espionage, a saboteur's modus operandi is attempting to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions. This is how this ale gets the job done.
The bottle label introduces you to the fact that Brettanomyces, (the bane of a vintner's existence), is in the batch. Hence the name 'Brett' in the ale's name. Brett is typically found in Lambic or gueuze, giving them a sour profile. It has the same effect on Saboteur, by design. Saboteur is aged in oak barrels and then conditioned 100% in each bottle.
Tricky little ale that will please, as it performs its artful seduction on your senses. Don't fight it when a Saboteur sneaks up on you. At 10% ABV, you will be infiltrated. Resistance is futile.
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