Dead Soldier
Sierra Nevada Harvest Wet Hop Ale - 13th Release (2009)
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Chico, CA USA
Est. 1980
Brain Damage Quotient = 6.7 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 24.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Reddish orange; amber like in color.
Pine hops aromas with touch of citrus smells.
Huge three finger head, off white in color that leaves rings of lace.
Big but not heavy hops taste. No tongue burnout.
You can taste the malt too. Very smooth and balanced.
Subtle carbonation.
Light to medium bodied mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
I'm a B - I - G fan of IPA's and the number 13. It was a cinch that this was gonna be good. I just can't say enough how dumbfounded this brewer makes me. When I sit down at the keyboard my bony fingers poke for the right brain explodes looking for the right summation of words. I am usually breathless; utterly speechless, as the cursor blinks on the blank page. It's mocking me, I know it is. And also mocking my wordsmithing skills. Meh!
Anyway, the Wet Hop Ale is done with a batch of very fresh hops added at the end of the boil to bring all that gooey piney resin out of the humulus lupulus. Thank goodness this is in a 24 ounce bottle so you and a close friend can enjoy it. Can't wait for another release. Do it Sierra Nevada.
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