Dead Soldier
Harpoon Raspberry Hefeweizen
Harpoon Brewery
306 Northern Avenue
Brain Damage Quotient = 5.1 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Distinct raspberry nose; smells natural and fresh.
Postmortem Brew Review
Cloudy, unfiltered, reddish hued color.Distinct raspberry nose; smells natural and fresh.
Slight yeast smell as in bread.
White, foamy two fingered head that dissipates very slowly.
Head lacing coats entire glass.White, foamy two fingered head that dissipates very slowly.
Moderate carbonation with sweet berry taste.
Light bodied; tartness in finish. Easy drinker.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Very good for a fruity change of pace over other hefe's. This is light and easy to session. Nothing more, or less to add other than this would be great on hot days as a refreshing substitute for a wine cooler or cider. Since it's a beer, that makes it all the more special.
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