Dead Soldier
Sea Dog Apricot Wheat Beer
Sea Dog Brewing Co.
125 Western Ave.
South Portland, ME USA
Est. 1993
Brain Damage Quotient = 4.6 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Hazy amber color.
Apricot fruit syrup aroma, no malt or hops detectable in smell.
Minimal off-white soapy head. Zero lacing on the glass.
Mostly apricot tastes comes through with little hops or malt.
Abundant amount of carbonation.
Light fruit flavored, light bodied mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Sea Dog's Apricot Wheat Beer is like drinking the yummy syrup out of a can of apricots. Only fizzier. There is beer flavor in there, but mostly what comes through is the fruit flavor.
There are some unfiltered bits of apricot in the glass making this truly a unique beer. It would be good on a summer's day, or on a Florida day in the high 70's. Like today.
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