Dead Lobsta'
Belfast Bay - Lobster Ale
Belfast Bay Brewing Company
100 Seaport Avenue
Belfast, ME USA
Brain Damage Quotient = 5.0 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Amber with a reddish tinge, in color.
Sweet and malty with slight apple aroma.
Super tall foaming head that slowly diminishes to a thin cover.
The glass laces very nicely at first, then disappears.
Light to medium bodied mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Here's a tasty Red Ale that has a food pairing right on the label. I guess the meaning is supposed to let you know that this Amber Ale or Red Ale as they call it, resembles the color of a lobster. Clever!
Actually, The Reaper is more interested in telling you that a lobster is one of the freaks of nature that has an exoskeleton (its bones are on the outside). Ummm, I guess that I just referred to myself as a freak, because The Reaper's bones are on the outside too! Something in common besides the ale.
Back to the ale, it's a good easy drinker. One you could have plenty of at your next clambake. Goes well with just about all of that good food. So when planning your next beach side clambake or kitchen counter tuna fish sandwich, keep this Lobster Ale in mind.
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