Dead Soldier
Celebration Ale 2009
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Chico, CA USA
Est. 1980
Brain Damage Quotient = 6.8 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Rusty, ruddy, reddish in color.
Malt and spicy hops aroma with hop oil and pine scents.
Hoppy tasting; lots of tasty bittering hops up front.
Nicely foaming head with fair amount of lacing down the glass.
Rich full bodied mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
This was sampled multiple times at the Orlando Holiday Brew Fest in Heritage Park, downtown Orlando on this damp but fine evening. While we are used to warm weather, this brew fest was at a bone-chilling 50 something degrees with a steady drizzle of rain. However, my bones are dry bones and we didn't mind the weather one bit during this outstanding brew fest.
Of all the beer sampled, I had to marvel about this one. It was simply the best sampling all evening in a field of some pretty good beers. Twas so remarkable, that I am only choosing this one to write about. The reason, you ask? Even though I managed to stay dry, my notepad would have been water logged by the end of the evening. Hence all the notes were memorized in my head for this review. Thank you Sierra Nevada for this wonderful seasonal brew. You had me at when I could smell the hops from 2 feet away, outdoors. I just knew it was going to be great.
Remember beer lovers, there is no such thing as bad beer weather, just unprepared beer drinkers. Get out your raincoat and rubbers next time!
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