Taps for a Dead Soldier
Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale
Stone Brewing Company
North San Diego County
Escondido, CA USA
Est. 1996
Brain Damage Quotient = 7.2 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 16.0 (On Tap) - 22.0 (Bomber Bottle)
Postmortem Brew Review
Rusty orange/amber in color.
Hop oil aroma, pine and citrus scents.
Minimal off-white head with dots of lacing on the glass.
Aggressively hopped smell, taste and flavor.
Complex flavored, full body with active carbonation.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
"This is an aggressive beer. You probably won't like it..." is the lead on Stone's Arrogant Bastard website banner. That's brash confidence, bravado and machismo. Call it a warning to the timid, or a throw down to the brave. Their website even has the IBU's listed as "CLASSIFIED". Basically, don't order this if you only want to peak your curiosity.
Listen up people! It is so arrogant, they developed a separate website for this ale. Their main website is not big enough for its flavor, hops or ego. Get the point?
I, for one, am not challenged by hops. I enjoy spicy food and hopped up beers and ales. And as stated before, I am the Grim Reaper and do not fear gargoyles. Good thing for that, because the warning is more than fair. This beer makes an attempt to rip your taste buds off your tongue. It comes remarkebly close to doing so, I might add. But, Stone has another ale for that purpose; the to-be-feared Ruination. But that review is for a later date when my mouth heals from the Arrogant Bastard.
It's not for everybody...and Stone make no bones about it. Like the finer things in life, it is an acquired taste. It will feel as if a 4th of July fireworks display has gone off in your mouth. You have been warned!
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