Dead Soldier
Paulaner Premium Pils
Paulaner Brewing
Munich, Germany
Est. 1634
Brain Damage Quotient = 4.9 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Bright golden yellow color.
Dry grainy malt and slight hops smell.
Crisp white tall head that lasts to the end of the glass.
Stringy lacing.
Light and refreshing; light mouth feel.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Inside this bottle is a quintessential euro style Pilsener beer. It is dry, light crisp and refreshing. And almost a bit too dry for my bones, but never the less a tasty brew. If you like your 'yellow' beers original to recipe and light and easy to drink, you'll look no farther to find enjoyment, right here.
Heck, they have been perfecting the art of Pilsener style for over 360 years.
If this is the one we sampled the day before thanksgiving, then I will re-name it "Piss-ner." Nasty.