Dead Soldier
India Pale Ale
Avery Brewing
5763 Arapahoe Ave.
Boulder, CO USA
Est. 1993
Brain Damage Quotient = 6.3 % ABV
Fluid Oz. = 12.0
Postmortem Brew Review
Tawny, hazy golden color.
Fruitiness and hop oil presence and a bit of pine spiciness.
Full, creamy-white three finger high head.
Sensational spiderweb lacing on glass.
Medium malty mouth feel with plenty of hoppy bite.
Grim Reaper's Eulogy
Mmmmm. The first of Avery's creations I sampled was in the rarefied air of Colorado. Now, us lowlanders in Florida also get to enjoy the taste. This is a perfect example of an American built craft IPA. Start to finish it is an adventure. So why haven't I been hunting for these sooner?
Let's begin our adventure with the "Indiana Jones" style Mercator projection of the eastern hemisphere, smack dab on the middle of the label. As the opening credits roll, you trace your finger upon the red line from the north coast of Africa, around The Cape of Good Hope and straight to Mumbai. A tip of the hat to George Hodgson from the folks at Avery.
In the 1790's Hodgson figured out the alcohol and hop ratios that kept the beer from spoiling before reaching the thirsty troops stationed in India. His formula produced a bitter, alcoholic, sparkling pale ale that withstood the trip to India. Hodgson's success is legendary, and as a result we all enjoy IPA today.
Nice touch that Avery, though based in a land locked state like Colorado, can carry this traditional style forward. Killer 69 IBU's will dazzle your taste buds along with the present maltiness. Start your epic journey today!
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